Article: Chief Project Officer in a Business Process Reingineering environment New CPO’s are often created as part of re-engineering the processes of the organization. It’s a tough place to start because the impetus for changing the business’s processes are already well underway and yet ripe with opportunities to make a dramatic change in the way organization manages projects. This article talks about how to walk the fine line between the challenge and opportunity of being…
“I don’t get no respect” was Rodney Dangerfield’s signature line and with its passing, Chief Project Officers seem to have lost their spokesman. How does a CPO get the respect he or she will no doubt require in order to effect cultural change in the project management environment of an organization? I talk about it in this article.
Article: The human factor A chief project officer isn’t just about numbers and analysis, they also have to consider how any change in the project management process will be received by those it affects. This article describes a case study of a large retailer and how trying to implement Project Portfolio Management (PPM) was resisted by the very executives who had requested it.
Chief Project Officer in the Boardroom Some organizations have introduced a new CxO. There is already the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and even the Chief Information Officer. For some organizations there will now be the Chief Project Officer.
This article was targeted for a new category of senior executive called a Chief Project Officer. How does such an executive change a corporate culture? It can be done in the same way we think of moving a large object with a lever. Take a look at Leverage? Let’s try Structural Tension.