
scope screep


No, I’m not talking about the new vine on your deck trellis.  I’m talking about scope creep. It’s every project manager’s nightmare.  The project starts off at a manageable modest size and in the blink of an eye, it’s a beheamouth of unmanageable porportions. In one of HMS Software’s first ever mandates back when we were just getting started, we had a client who asked us to configure their project management system with multiple baselines.  This…

You’ve heard the expression “From little acorns big trees grow.”  The same can be said for projects.  There’s something compelling about the big project, the huge project, the significant project. There must be because almost everywhere I go, people take little projects and try to make them bigger. It might start innocently enough, the project team brainstorms in the early planning stages and a mind-mapping exercise takes the little project and gives it branches from…