


You would think it would be easy.  After all, timesheets mostly look all the same don’t they? Well, that’s often true but the front end of the timesheet isn’t the challenge.  Mostly timesheets look like a grid and you enter hours or some value in columns and rows.  It’s once that data has arrived into the timesheet that it becomes more challenging.  A timesheet might be used by an end user for 5 or 10…

I was delighted to be interviewed by David Ledge of the popular, Leaders of B2B Podcast.  David and I discussed some of the business challenges that my own firm, HMS has been able to overcome and how flexibility of our TimeControl timesheet system has been critical to not only survive but excel over more than 30 years of business. You can enjoy the podcast in its entirety from: iTunes SpotifyDirectly on the Leaders of B2B Blog

Many years ago, the London Tube; the subway system, created a slogan reminding people to look down and step carefully between the platform and the train.  It’s become such a symbol of London that we see not only the Mind the Gap symbol on t-shirts but memes of all kinds to “Mind the… Something”. Last week here at HMS, we came across a gap.  It was a process gap and because of checks and balances…

With money flooding into the economy and huge incentives to get the economy back underway, governments at federal, state and municipal levels are looking for innovative ways to get projects underway.  One of the best already-established paths is the “Public-Private Partnership (PPP).  That’s not to be confused with the other popular PPP acronym at the moment for the US Payroll Protection Plan. What is a PPP? A public-private partnership is a project which is a…

I’m delighted to find myself in Pursuit Magazine this week in the category of technological Disruptors.  I sat for an interview a few days ago and talked about how my company HMS Software is weathering the pandemic and how we’ve been able to adjust to remote work and how the impact on our TimeControl clients has affected us. You can read the article in its entirety at: pursuit.ca/business-politics/the-disruptors-chris-vandersluis/

Is it harder to deploy an enterprise system when you aren’t co-located? Of course. But, it is much more common than you might think. If we think of deploying a system to a small business where everyone is in the same building, then communicating and encouraging use of the new system is easy to imagine. As the new system is designed and configured, the people doing that work are walking along the same corridor as…

In the last few weeks we have seen numerous clients and other organizations move to having their workers work from home.  For some of these organizations this has been a smooth and seamless transition.  For others not so much.  As we’ve described on our blog in my own firm HMS, the move from working on premise to working remotely has been very easy but this is because we had already put a plan in place…

Managing projects remotely used to be an oxymoron but over the last 20 years, creating a project team that is not co-located has slowly brought project managers into a world where they may only see their team face-to-face rarely. With the advent of Covid-19 and restrictions on movement around the world, project management at a distance has become an essential skill. For some project managers who are new to such management, they may tend to…

I was asked a few weeks ago to write a short article for CEO Today Magazine.  It was published this past week in their Online edition.  The article is about a topic I speak on often: How to do more with the same resources you have and focuses on identifying and quantifying the time resources spend that are not productive for the company nor favored by the employee.  An example might be how often people…