


I’m delighted to have accepted Nathan Latka’s invitation to speak at the upcoming Founder500 conference in Austin Texas on September 1st. This conference focuses on hundreds of top Software as a Service company founders of all sizes. I’m one of only 60+ speakers so I’m a small part of something big but it’s still great to be able to meet folks there and tell a bit of our story at HMS Software. The conference is…

When under pressure, we all tend to retreat to that which is familiar. That’s not just in project management. It’s true everywhere. I’ve been studying a bit of Abraham Maslow thanks to some other ideas I’ve been working on associated to Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”. In 1966, he was quoted in the Psychology of Science as saying “I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as…

I’m very excited to be in Dallas next week to speak in person at the 14th Annual University of Texas Dallas Project Management Symposium. This is a prestigious event and I couldn’t be happier to have been asked to speak. My topic is: The Pyramid of Project and Resource Management which I’ll be presenting on May 18th. If you will be at the conference, please make sure to say hello!

I was delighted to spend some time with Tony Shap on his podcast in the last month. Tony is well knowns in financial circles from his writing in magazines like Forbes, Fortune, Inc. as well as on numerous news broadcasts. If you’ve not yet stopped, by the Tony Shap Show podcast, I highly recommend it. My episode can be found by clicking the link or in the index.

I’ve been remiss in keeping the blog here on up to date for which I apologize. With some of the largest projects in my life now winding down, I can refocus on what laughing passes for normal around here. Over the last 6 months I’ve been working closely with the team at HMS on our newest product, TimeControl Project. It launched last month and I couldn’t be more proud of the work that everyone…

In our business we are often asked if data from one system can be integrated to another. There’s almost a pull for people to say “If I can integrate it, I must”. That’s just not true. Let’s look at an example where integrating might cause a negative impact. Years ago I was asked if I could integrate project scheduling data with Outlook. “Look,” said the client who was an IT specialist, “Outlook task data…

I’m delighted to be speaking once again at the Project Summit / Business Analyst World event! The event September 8-10, 2021. It had been intended to be held in person but events being what they are, the conference is now virtual. I’ll be speaking at 2:30pm on Wednesday, September 8th about project manager personality types and how the can affect how you manage. The talk is called: Collaborate, Co-operate or “Adversarialize”. Does a Project Manager…

I have a mobile phone from Verizon. One day, soon after I’d upgraded my phone, it chirped in the car. “Your Verizon team is ready for you,” it said. I was unnerved. What did they mean? Why are they saying that? Then, I looked up and saw that I was stopped at a red light outside a Verizon store. I was somewhat stunned for a few minutes as I took in this new level of…

I’m delighted to have accepted an invitation to my old alma mater, McGill University where many, many moons ago I received a degree in Economics. The McGill School of Continuing Studies has asked me to be on a panel with other industry experts to discuss the Future of Project Management. The virtual session is on June 8th at 6pm Eastern time. It is free and lasts an hour. I’m looking forward to it. For more…